Thursday, April 1, 2021

Onboarding of new employees

Onboarding of new employees

Onboarding & Induction are two different things. Also, onboarding & training are two different too. This is not a one day or two days program. Onboarding is kind of a process which adapting new employees to the organizational culture. An effective onboarding program will run over two, three months.

According to the Society for Human Resources Development (SHRM), employee onboarding (also known as organizational socialization) is the “process of helping new hires adjust to social and performance aspects of their new jobs quickly and smoothly, and learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization” (Panopto, 2019).

Why is Employee Onboarding Important?

Employee onboarding is the first interaction an employee has with the organization right after the lengthy interview process. If the experience fails to live up to expectations, then your employee might regret their decision to accept the job offer. The negative impression left by a poor onboarding process might affect their perceptions, give them prejudiced notions about the organization, and ultimately cause them to quit early. (Kissflow, 2020)

Onboarding process of B-Lin Apparel Sri Lanka

  • SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) is available for employee onboarding.
  • Dedicated Human Resources Executive is available to perform the task in effective manner.
  • Process is ongoing for 3 months.
  • There is program call “B-Lin Buddy”. Selected individuals trained on buddy program & they are given a special identification. One buddy will be assigned to new comer over the period of 3 months.
  • There is a meeting call “Evaluate Me” & this will take place once in a week with new comer, Buddy, HR Executive & the immediate supervisor to evaluate the onboarding process.
  • There is a meeting call “I’m Boarded” after 3 months with new comer, Buddy, HR Executive, the immediate supervisor, HR Manager & Head of the department for evaluating the entire process.
  • There are two tea session. One is with the General Manager within first week & the other one is within the second month with CEO.


An effective employees onboarding program will feel new hires that they are more valued, They can understand their role much better, they will retain longer period & it's better for company image as well.


DESIMONE, K., 2020. People Element | Employee Engagement & Human Capital Consultants. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 21 March 2021].

Kissflow, 2020. Employee Onboarding: The HR Manager’s Guide to Process Automation. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 31 March 2021].

Panopto, 2019. Panopto. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 31 March 2021].


  1. Clearly mentioned value of the employees onboard for the organization.

  2. This topic is reminding me the first day when I started my job and author is well explained that how important is onboarding process even we neglected it.

  3. Its a vital article to read and well explained on the topic.
    every year more than 25 percent
    of the working population experiences career transitions.1
    In Fortune 500
    companies alone, about 500,000 managers take on new roles each year, and
    overall, managers begin new jobs every two to four years. Unfortunately, in
    the midst of all these transitions:
    • Half of all senior outside hires fail within 18 months in a new position.3
    • Half of all hourly workers leave new jobs within the first 120 days.4
    This report will explain why onboarding is so important, where it fits into the
    larger HR context, how HR managers can proactively manage onboarding
    and, finally, how new employees can help facilitate their own onboarding.

  4. Author has clearly explained importance of onboarding. Onboarding is important because it acclimates employees to their role, the company's philosophies, and what the company has to offer. It also engages employees, creating workers that are committed to the company's success and helps retain new hires by making them feel like a member of the team.

  5. My opinion onboarding employees 3 month in B-Lin apparel is too long. This will takes longer time to new recruitment make a impact and will be very difficult measure the initial performance.

  6. conduct the orientation programme is necessity to on boarding new employees. mainly need to discuss the culture adoption , legal aspects ,HR activities , policy and conditions and employee benefits are the key areas of orientation programme.

  7. Employee onboarding is the process by which new employees are introduced to the social and performance aspects of their new job, with the goal of getting new hires adjusted quickly, increasing productivity and job satisfaction, and reducing turnover.

  8. Onboarding is a process of intergrading of new employees to the culture and environment of the company. IN my view point on the job training method is most reliable method is for onboarding.

  9. New employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee with a company and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools and information needed to become a productive member of the team. Author has written this article after carefully researching the topic.

  10. Onboarding is very useful for the new comers to understand about the Organization as well as study about the culture but in textile field never keep 3 month of period every month you can see a turnover after salary then it's huge amount of people on the Training period
