Thursday, April 8, 2021

Exit Interview - Will It Really Important?

Exit Interview - Will It Really Important?

An exit interview is kind of a survey, analysis or a discussion conducts with the employee by employer at the time of employee leaving the company. This is not a compulsory thing which organization needs to follow but it’ll help organization to identify some clue for employees leaving from the organization. Since this is not a compulsory thing & it’s a voluntary decision on both parties, employee can refuse the exit interview. Also, employer can stay away from organizing it as well.

Exit interview will provide useful information on which to base retention plans. Exit interview aim to establish why people are leaving, not to persuade them to stay (Armstrong, 2006).

The exit interview is a conversation between a representative of the organization and a departing employee to reveal reasons for departing (Hossain, et al., 2017).

Reasons you must conduct exit interviews

  • Pinpoint opportunity for employee development.
  • Reduce additional recruitment & training cost by retention great talent.
  • Get insight in to management issues.
  • Stay up to date with compensation & benefits.
  • Strengthen your employer brand.

How to conduct an effective exit interview

  • Choose your interview format: By giving questionnaire to your departing employee to fill out prior to the interview, will consume less time & will help to avoid uncomfortable discussion.
  • Choose your interviewer: An HR team member usually the best since he/she will be an independent party. Employee will feel comfortable & will be open up. But It’s better if you could select outside professional specially for executive level exit interviews.
  • Decide what to ask & what not to ask.
  • Keep things positively.
  • Don’t waste time of the employee.

Exit interview process at B-Lin Apparel Sri Lanka

  • HR is sending a questionnaire to the leaving employee before 1 week from the date of resignation to fill & resend to HR.
  • Before the last day of the resignation exit interview is conducting by HR representative for worker category employee & T&D manager for executive category employees.
  • Interview is limiting to 15 minutes & only for the scheduling question which already shared with the employee.
  • Employee will be able to extend the time if he / she is having more to talk with the interviewer.
  • Detail of the meeting is only shared with the Senior General Manager operations of the company & the Senior General Manager HR.
  • Apart from that for worker category employees will be getting a change to having a tea session with either Senior General Manager operations or Senior General Manager HR on the last day. For Executive category employees getting a chance to having a tea session with either CEO or a Functional Director.


As per the Armstrong (2006) exit interview will provide useful information on which to base retention plans. Exit interview aim to establish why people are leaving, not to persuade them to stay. Also, as per the Hossain, et al. (2017) exit interview is a conversation between a representative of the organization and a departing employee to reveal reasons for departing. This will help employer to streamline the process of the organization if required. But most of the time employees refuse to participate with the exit interview. As per the HR data of B-Lin Apparel participation rate is only 46% for the exit interview. Also, it’s revealed that most of the data obtain from the exit interview are not reliable. However, conducting an exit interview will be helpful to the organization.


Armstrong, M., 2006. Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 10th ed. London: Kogan Page Limited.

Hossain, S., Himi, S. T. & Ameen, J. A., 2017. Strategic Use of Exit Interviews The Art of Retention. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting.

Leon, M., 2017. glassdoor for Employer. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 21 April 2021].



  1. Author has explained about the importance of exit interviews to an organization.
    In today’s knowledge economy, skilled workers are the asset that drives organizational success. Thus employers must learn from them—why they stay, why they leave, and how the organization needs to change. An exit-interview (EI) process can create a continuous flow
    of assessment on all three fronts (Spain & Groysberg, 2016).

    My opinion is the data collected from exit interviews should share with senior decision makers to bring strategic value. Well written article.

  2. Very good explanation why exit interview is important from employer side. Author has clearly explained some reasons why this process more important and the process need to follow with the good references.

    If the author has explain more benefits and advantages doing exit interview from the organization point of view this will be more comprehensive.
    * Departing employees are generally more forthcoming than those still in their jobs
    * You will learn the reason for an employee’s departure (it may be different than you think!)
    * The exit interview allows the employee to provide constructive feedback and leave on a positive note
    * That last touchpoint provides you with an opportunity to review continuing obligations with the employee (e.g., non-competes, intellectual property agreements, etc.)
    * It provides the opportunity to ask if there are any open issues of which you need to be aware. This can help reduce risk and identify matters that may require immediate attention.
    * You will get a candid assessment of your organization’s environment and culture
    * Insight into recruiting, on-boarding, and training needs may be revealed
    * The feedback will help you to identify areas that can help improve staff retention
    * Improvement opportunities in management development and succession planning can be detected
    * It’s cost-effective and easy to facilitate with HR Acuity Exit Interviews

    [Accessed 9 April 2021]

    1. Thanks Vipul for your valuable inputs.

    2. Interesting, author written the concept in breif with the examples.

    3. Interesting, author written the concept in breif with the examples.

  3. author has well explains about the exit interview. Good concept for all organization to identify their weaknesses and the things should improve within the work place.

  4. Exit interviews are important because they offer a deeper look at your workplace culture, day-to-day processes, management solutions, and employee morale. The purpose of an exit interview is to assess the overall employee experience within your organization and identify opportunities to improve retention and engagement. Author has clearly explained the topic.

  5. Author has well shown greater goal for any company, of course, is to retain valued employees.If people are leaving an organization in ever-increasing numbers, figuring out why is crucial. And the most useful tool for doing so is one that too few leaders pay attention to: exit interviews.

  6. In Sri Lankan Context most of employees not recognize the Exit interview due to lot of reasons.among them its not a vital thing , need to dedicate anther day for participation and low encouragement for interview are some highlighted points.

  7. An exit interview is a survey conducted with an individual who is separating from an organization or relationship. Most commonly, this occurs between an employee and an organization, a student and an educational institution, or a member and an association

  8. Interesting topic, it's really doubt full is this just a formality or a improvement process, depend on management attitude
