Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Importance of having a Talent Pool in an organization

Importance of having a Talent Pool in an organization

Having a talent pool will be an advantage to the organization for its smooth operation. Impotency of developing & maintaining talent pool was a big topic in past period especially due to covid-19. Several organizations have to stop their employees coming to work due to the curfew improvement & unavailability of public transportation as well as quarantine procedures in the country. With that management has to run the business with limited carder without affecting to the business. Havin a talent pool came in to the subject due to this un planned / unavoidable circumstance.

As per the (Collings & Mellahi, 2009) focus on ‘the development of a talent pool of high potential and high performing incumbents’ who can fill the key position in the organization and help to deliver sustainable competitive advantage’.

Talent management is the use of an integrated set of activities to ensure that the organization attracts, retains, motivates and develop the talented people in needs now and in the future. The aim is to secure the flow of talent, bearing in mind that talent is a major corporate resource (Armstrong, 2006).

Element of Effective Talent Pool

Relationship management, Performance management, Reward management, Learning & development, Retention strategies, Carrier progression are the key area HR should think of when creating an effective talent pool.  

Major Benefits of Having a Talent Pool

Lower recruitment expenditure, increase productivity, top talent entering to the organization, cost effective approach to team growth are the main benefit that organization gain by maintaining an effective talent pool. (Generator, 2019)

Practical Aspect

When considering practical aspect of talent pool of B-Lin Apparel Sri Lanka, they are having a group call “Jumpers”. Since Blin Apparel is a garment manufacturing & 90 % of the workforce are Sewing Machine Operators they have categorized as per the sewing operation they can perform like Grade A, B, C, D & Trainee.

Jumpers are the group who can handle entire operation & their salary category also much higher than others. While all other category employees are wearing a green color uniform, Jumpers provided with white color uniform. Jumpers are the one who nominated for next level promotion cycle.


Armstrong, M., 2006. A Hand Book of HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE. 10th ed. s.l.:s.n.

Collings, D. & Mellahi, K., 2009. Strategic Talent Management. A review and research agenda. Human Resource Management Review.

Generator, T. G., 2019. Generator TALENT GROUP. [Online]
Available at: https://www.generatortalent.com/how-could-talent-pooling-help-my-business/
[Accessed 22 03 2021].


  1. There are compelling benefits in taking a strategic approach to managing talent. In the future, work will present many new challenges as we faced covid 19 unexpectedly. It’s not enough just to focus on attracting talented individuals. Managing, developing, and retaining them as part of a planned talent strategy is equally important.
    In this article author has described about an importance of maintaining a talent pool. it is highly informative and well described.

  2. Dear Udari, Really appreciate your feedback. Due to the word limitation it's unable to discuss more in details. However, your feedback will really help me to outline my next article. Thank You.

  3. I agree with the author, having a talent pool is really essential in dealing with this current crisis situation. My opinion is HR leaders should also consider how work force will respond to the design and implementation of talent pools and should reduce any adverse reactions. According to Michelle (2016), there are two practical implications, the depression of affect among excluded employees and failure to sustain positive affect among the included employees. Moreover identified that employees in talent pools were more positive about their future expectations than outsiders who reported feelings of less support from the employer.
    As per the author B-line apparel is definitely getting the advantage of “Jumpers” in this current scenario. Well written article.

  4. The writer had explained about the advantages of talent management, but he could have explained the several disadvantages such as expenses in financial cost, lack of support from other employees and conflict between HR and the management.

  5. create the Talent pool is not easy task withing the short period. it need to some time and need to practice. Hence Training & development area is key point of creating Talent pool.
