Thursday, March 18, 2021

Recruitment & Selection | Will it really important?

Recruitment & Selection | Will it really important?

Recruitment & selections are two different terms in HRM but parallel to each other. Although most of the people think that recruitment is the first part of hiring an employee to an organization, there are few processers to think of. Such as job designing, job analysis & human resource planning. These pillars also need to consider before staring recruitment & selection process. 

“Recruitment is the process of finding & engaging the people the organization needs. Selection is that part of the recruitment process concerned with deciding which applicants or candidates should be appointed to jobs (Armstrong, 2014).” 

“Recruitment is a positive process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization (Pawriya, 2016).”

Recruitment methods are really important to attract suitable candidates to the available vacancies. Can be used internal / external sources such as paper advertisement, social media network, recruitment agent etc. When it’s come to selection this will be the process where employer can select best out of all applicant with referring to the experience, qualification, attitudes etc. With that, recruitment & selection processes will be really important for an organization.

To get an understand of Recruitment process & selection process in practical way, would like to take you trough below points which practiced by an apparel manufacturing company in Sri Lanka.

Recruitment Practice in B-Lin Apparel

Main forms of recruitment of B-Lin Apparel are recruitment campaign, newspaper advertising, posting banners, distributing leaflets and internal memos.

  • Job designing, job analysis & the HR planning are done by the panel of senior management which is led by Deputy General Manager – HR.
  • There is a dedicated recruitment team headed by a recruitment executive & he is responsible for recruiting staff & worker category employee which using above technique. Recruitment team is fully responsible for fill the gap between existing & budgeted cadre.
  • Free transport, free medicine, breakfast & lunch in subsidiary prices, free accommodation, annual bonus are few benefits which they highlight during recruitment process.
  • Internal team are encouraged by giving monetary benefits when they introduce a best fit individual for the available vacancies.
  • There are few barriers involve during the process, such as free transport only provided up to 40 km in one way. Free accommodation is only provided for female workers who are live in 40km away from the factory.

Selection Practice in B-Lin Apparel

  • In the process of Selection, B-Lin Apparel aims at the best choice among the applicants for the right job at the right time.
  • The candidates would be shortlisted at the selection process. Generally, the selection methods at B-Lin Apparel includes application evaluation, background investigation, interviews, aptitude tests etc.
  • B-Lin Apparel aims to properly organize the process of selection which is important for acquiring expertise knowledge to the company, avoiding future grievances, avoiding cultural conflicts and to avoid unnecessary labor costs.


With referring B-Lin Apparel recruitment & selection practices, can be conclude that B-Lin Apparel Human Resource team has given priority to align with recruitment & selection theories. If B-Lin Apparel can address the barriers (free transport only provided up to 40 km in one way. Free accommodation is only provided for female workers.) recruitment process will be more attractive.

Recruitment & Selection process will be really important for every organization to attract & hire exactly fit candidates to the current openings. Proper selection will reduce unnecessary cost to the company.


Armstrong, M., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. 13 ed. s.l.:s.n.

Bratton, J., 2017. Human Resource Management Theory and Practice. Sixth ed. s.l.:s.n.

Henarath, O., 2016. Human Resource Manageent. Seventh ed. s.l.:s.n.

Pawriya, P., 2016. Recruitment As A Source To Generate A Pool Of Qualified Applicants.


  1. Author has well explained the different between HR recruitment and selection. Mostly HR leaders consider the selection and recruitment process as one of their critical decision functions in the organization.
    Referring to B-line Apparel author has well described the country practice. Very important article to read.

  2. Recruitment is the process of acquiring a pool of candidates with the desired knowledge, skills, attributes and experience and Selection is the process of interviews, reference checking and testing or assessment that assists you to ensure the best person is appointed; using effective, fair and equitable practices. Author has explained this with a example as well. good article to get a good idea about recruitment and selection.

  3. Artificial Intelligence: The new workhorse

    AI can help employers identify and remove bias during the interview process, screen candidates based on specific requirements, interact with candidates via catboats and assess candidate responses during video interviews.

  4. Effective recruitment and selection process is utmost important to a business organization. With the constantly changing business environment need to hire people who are adaptable, knowledgeable, dependable and loyal to the particular business organization through proper screening process.
