Saturday, March 27, 2021

How to Build a Healthy Work Relationship with Employees


How to Build a Healthy Work Relationship with Employees

Maintaining healthy work relation will not only create a positive work environment but also will help for the organizational growth as well. Work relationship not limited to the Boss – Employees & it’s will have a lengthy flow within entire organization. Mostly it’s related to Boss – Employees, HR – Employees, Senior Management – Employees.

The term employment relationship describes the interconnections that exist between employers and employees in the workplace. These may be formal, e.g. contracts of employment, procedural agreements. Or they may be informal, in the shape of the psychological contract, which expresses certain assumptions and expectations about what managers and employer have to offer and are willing to deliver (Armstrong, 2006, cited in Kessler and Undy, 1996).

However, building a healthy relationship must be a genuine effort.

Key tips to build healthy work relationship with employees

Bond of Trust – Trust is the most important part of a relationship. Always tell the truth. Be transparent. Never gossip about your employee & don’t reveal their personal information with other parties. Keep your commitment.

Fill the gap of communication – Since communication is playing vital role always use two-way communication. Listen to your employees. Give feedback. Verbal communication will be much appropriate than e-mail communication.

Employee appreciation – Say Thank You, pat their back, make them feel special & letting them know how much they value to the business.

Respect – Be respect to your employees. Don’t let them know that they are neglecting by the management. Don’t hash on them. Resect to the input they gave to organizational success.

Open door policy – Having an open-door policy will be most important. It’ll feel employee comfortable to come to you with the concern they have.  

Since building a healthy relationship with employees will be an advantage to the organization, HR has to play a vital role on building a relationship matrix with considering above factors.


Armstrong, M., 2006. A HandBook Of Human Resource Management Practice. 10th ed. London: Kogan Page Limited.

Hameed, A. & Waheed, A., 2011. Employee Development and Its Affect on Employee Performance A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Business and Social Science, Volume II.

Roy, B. D., 2021. VANTAGECIRCLE. [Online]
Available at:,their%20personal%20information%20to%20others.
[Accessed 24 March 2021].

Sawithri, L. D., Nishanthi, H. M. & Amarasinghe, K. G., 2017. The Impact of Employer-Employee Relations on Employee Commitment. Kelaniya Journal of Human Resource Management, XII(2).







  1. Author has simply described about the communication. Author could have discussed the impacts of disadvantages of not having proper communication in the workplace.

    1. Well noted your comment. Thanks for the feedback & this will help me to outline my next article.

    2. Author has given a good overview to the topic selected. However I feel that a healthy work relationship with employees is a collaborative effort from all layers of an organization where HR plays a key role.
      Thank you

    3. Fully agreed with your comment Chamath

  2. Keeping harmonious relationship between employer and employee crates joyful environment at workplace. This will improve workers moral and efficiency. Additionally organization will benefits with
    increase of employee loyalty,
    reduction of conflicts,
    improve trust and confidence,
    Develop better culture at work place,
    Better employee engagement,
    Improved performance.

  3. Workplace sport plays an important role in keeping people physically and mentally healthy as well as improving productivity.

  4. Good work relationships are essential for teams, organizations and individuals to succeed. Can gather more knowledge and overall good article.
