Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Offer workplace flexibility to improve employee satisfaction

Offer workplace flexibility to improve employee satisfaction

Workplace flexibility is a mutually beneficial arrangement between employees and employers in which both parties agree on when, where and how the employee will work to meet the organization’s needs. Flexibility can be formal and officially approved through HR policies, or informal and available on a discretionary basis (SHRM, 2021)

It may include: 

  • Policies and practices governing the time, scheduling and location of employees’ work.
  • Alternative work arrangements and HR policies such as flextime, telework, leaves and part-time work that an entire work unit or a subgroup of employees uses.
  • Changes to job design and job autonomy that permit employees more control of when and where they work.
  • Informal practices such as occasionally or regularly using flextime to come in late or leave early or to work from home with supervisor permission.
  • Mobile work, such as working at a client’s workplace.
  • Using technology to communicate and work outside the confines of the primary worksite.

When it comes to attracting top talent, many employers turn their eyes toward flexibility in the workplace.

A solid work-life balance is necessary for both employers and employees. Steering away from a traditional 9-to-5 workplace structure that dictates the whereabouts of an employee, moving toward a modern workplace model that improves employee satisfaction and productivity, is ideal in today's job climate.

As an employer, you're hiring human beings, not robots. That means employee engagement should be a top priority when you recruit candidates and assess the overall happiness of your current employees. Businesses unwilling to be flexible are likely to lose out in the war for talent.

It is important for employers to understand that workplace flexibility is more than giving employees schedules that best suit their needs or allowing them to work from home on certain days. The study's authors said flexibility encompasses a broad spectrum of work arrangements, including the following:

  • Flexible arrival and departure times
  • Full-time work from home or location independence
  • Choice and control in work shifts
  • Part-time work from home
  • Compressed shifts or workweek
  • Opportunity for sabbaticals or career breaks (e.g., extended time off)
  • Unlimited paid time off
  • Caregiving leave

Benefits of workplace flexibility

Figure 01: Benefits of workplace flexibility (SHRM)


Kristina, 2019. opensourcedworkplace. [Online]
Available at: https://www.opensourcedworkplace.com/news/workplace-flexibility-and-job-satisfaction-determining-job-satisfaction-with-a-flexible-employer
[Accessed 20 April 2021].

SHRM, 2021. SHRM. [Online]
Available at: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/tools-and-samples/toolkits/pages/managingflexibleworkarrangements.aspx
[Accessed 20 April 2021].


  1. As Author mentioned there are many benefits in flixible working environment but for some employees need strict supervision to perform also the trust between employees and the employer should be there, Otherwise flixible working conditions will become failure.
    (Accessed on 20th April 2021)

  2. Its True. If the workplace culture allows talent to work from anywhere, then talent pool instantly becomes global so it provides more benefits to the organization. But the management should ensure that their employees who opt for more traditional work arrangements are treated as equitably as their non-traditional co-workers. When the management treat all employees fairly, they feel respected, cared for and may develop a stronger sense of trust in thn organization.

  3. Author gives a nice alarms of flexibilities of workplace, such as relaxed working hours, working from home, some paid leaves, as well as we all trialed in the lock down season. But it directly effects on the productivity directly. If companies can make suitable arrangements not to harm the productivity, this will sound really good.

  4. The article shows that author has identified the workplace flexibility and the methods to improve employee satisfaction from same with proper HR management .

  5. Workplace flexibility is about the ability to adapt to change, particularly regarding how and when work gets done. In a flexible workplace, the needs of both employee and employer are met. Workplace flexibility is often used as a tool for retaining and engaging employees. Author has described this topic in a organized way.

  6. Author had fairly explained the benefits of the flexible working work at work also, flexible work schedules can creates disadvantages such as isolation employees if they work at home, some work may not work efficiently with out supervision and increase communication gaps.

  7. workplace flexibility is a new thing for Sri Lankan environment but its not for the other countries.because they were practicing the concept due to technology and cultural development.

  8. Work place flexibility can gives many benefits to the employee and also to the employers. Under this pandemic situation this concept is merge to the business world and most companies follow this. Totally agree with Mr. Ruwan Herath.

  9. There is noticeably big money to understand this. I assume you’ve made certain nice points in features also. weblink
